Thank you.

Though the night has come and gone, the memory of our Seaside Soiree lingers warmly. We are immensely grateful to have shared this special evening with so many of you in attendance, those who joined our auction online, and everyone who supported our Gifts from the Heart campaign at the event and from afar.

Thank you all for your enthusiasm and support, which made this event our most impactful yet. Your commitment to making a difference in our community is truly inspiring. We look forward to sharing more memorable moments together and continuing to grow our impact.

A Final Thank You
to Our Amazing Sponsors

Presenting Spsonor:

Reviving Hope - The CityHouse Story

Discover the inspiring journey of our organization in "Reviving Hope - The CityHouse Story," a video narrative told through the eyes of our Past Board Presidents. This compelling story explores the pivotal moments and key decisions that have shaped our path and highlights the enduring impact of leadership and vision in driving our mission forward.

Relive The Highlights!

Explore our photo gallery to relive the highlights and special moments from our events. Each photo captures the spirit of community and celebration that defines our gatherings. Whether you were with us in person or supporting from afar, these images offer a glimpse into the joy and connection fostered by our shared efforts.